Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sucks to be a Fetus

I remember now...

Sorry if I really offend someone, but, today they had the million dead baby demonstration on the quad. The right to life people put out more little white crosses than I want count and then say something like this is how many babies die during a ND football game. Then theres a ton of signs that talk about how awful this is and bla bla bla bla bla. Now, I'm not saying I disagree with these folks, but I do hate how its all jammed down my throat. I understand that this is a catholic university and we need to follow the catholic teachings, but shouldnt the university part allow for opposing views? I thought about it, but even at 12:15 at night there are people up guarding the baby graves....I really just wanted to make a giant sign that said "sucks to be a fetus" and put it in the middle of their demonstration, it would at least give people something to talk about in the editorials of the observer for a few weeks...

another funny story. Im walking out of Jenns dorm and I see a cab roll up. It is none other than the famed Jesus cab (guy talks with you about God and the bible as youre on your way to a party or the airport) with all his Jesus stuff magneted on his van. He gives a quality ride with some quality conversation, it is almost better than church. Anyway, out rolls some girls of very low moral integrity....like half the football team and most the hockey team lack of moral integrity....I laughed

Obviously Ano

There I was sitting in the dining hall by myself because Jenn had to go do something more important than me. I was at a table by myself because I was trying to just get in and get out real quick like when these two "girls" sat down to my left. One only had a sandwich and the other had nothing. The one that had nothing was a twig of an asian "girl" (not that it matters what race she was, I just wanted to give an idea...ya know?). There was nothing to this "girl", she was obviously ano. First off, who the hell goes to the dining hall just to watch people eat? I mean, maybe kudos for her for just being ano. She could be bulemic and have to eat, then puke all the time. At least she has the self control to go to the dining hall and enjoy watching people eat. She probably would've made a good wrestler in that respect since she just enjoys watching someone eat. Secondly, I had a train of thought that went a little like this... "ya know, there are plus sized clothing lines, what about skinny size clothing lines. They could have catchy names, kind of like Obviously Ano." The labels on the jeans could just have pictures of food on them, they'd sell like hotcakes (however well they sell).

Anyway, I had something else I wanted to write about, but I can't really remember it right now. So, I'll go back a little bit to state crit time. I finally loaded all my pictures on to my pooter and I managed to clip this out of a video. See this? This is Nick throwing down a meaaaaan bike stab, like hardcore. Clearly he edged this dude out for 4th right? I just looked at the results and they gave him 5th. This indiscretion should not stand, man. Thats a whole $10 Nick didnt get in prize money and 2 upgrade points. Good thing Im not really caring much about anything right now, otherwise I'd raise hell....okay, not really. But, if anything, isnt that a meannnn bike stab? Look at the form! Look at the intensity! Look how lame his opponent looks! Now, doesnt that guy wish he wouldve done a bike stab? At the very least he wouldve looked cooler...Im so glad Nick and I practice that sort of thing

Speaking of some state crit stuff, check out this video of the Cat 4 finish and the Cat 3 finish

Did you hear that? No, I wasn't talking about me talking to Jenn in a funny voice (you know, the girlfriend voice...). Turn it up and listen to Andrew's gutteral scream as he wins. Kind of scarry. The kid next to me crapped his diaper after he yelled, I heard it and then smelled it. Even scarrier. Anyway, I guess Im going to be a good student now...Boo.